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Longer Bridges Typically have Splices Every 40’to 75′.

Truss “inside the tube” chord splice.

Typically 45-80 A325 bolts.

Some wide (>12′ deck surface) bridges have a longitudinal splice; the deck is usually shipped loose.

Wide bridge shipped with deck installed.

Loose splice plates and bolts will be shipped on a pallet.

1-3 hours per splice should be allowed if done on the ground before the bridge is set. Box trusses are generally twice as labor intensive.

Starting the splice plates                           Lining up halves                         Align holes in spliced verticals

Your crane(s) and hand winches are typically used to pull the sections together. Timbers help block up the stationary section to facilitate tightening the bolts under the bridge and to compensate for the bridge camber when matching up sections.

    Finger tighten.                   Begin tightening routine.

Tighten splice bolts                  Have the right tools.
under the deck.                          No cutting allowed.

Impact wrenches may be used for initial tightening of bolts. Use spud wrenches for final tightening procedure. See your Excel Shop drawings and Excel “Lift and Splice” sheets for specific instructions.

AISC bolt tightening methods and inspection are required, Excel recommends the “turn of the nut” method as described in your AISC manual.

No field welding required.

Some wood deck bridges have a few loose planks and hold down angle pieces that may need drilling. Bolts will be provided. At the splice point some concrete decked bridges have form pan sheets shipped loose. These are field installed by the contractor.

Please call for an accurate estimate (800) 548-0054 or use our web form for a quick budget price.

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    Bridge Details:

    Where will the bridge be delivered to?

    What is the length of the bridge (end to end)?

    What is the inside clear width? Example

    What is the bridge's primary use?

    PedestriansPedestrians and Light Vehicles (up to 10,000 lbs)Heavy Vehicles (Such as Emergency Vehicles)I'm not sure. I'd like to speak with a specialist.

    Type of Material

    Is the bridge for public or private (residential) use?


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    Please rest assured, if you find you are not receiving the personal touch you deserve, feel free to contact Craig Vasquez Owner / President for personal assistance. Reach Craig by calling our Main Office West Coast 800-548-0054 number and ask our receptionist to have Craig paged.

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