CONTACT PHONE 1-800-548-0054

Mon - Sat 8:00 - 18:00

Attachments to Bridges

Your project may require accessories and attachments like pipes, lights, signs, conduits, railings or other items.

Sloped and kinked approach rails.

Step design approach rails.

Please call for an accurate estimate (800) 548-0054 or use our web form for a quick budget price.

Approach Railings:

The most common are short rail sections that match or mimic the bridge rail construction and finish. Call us for a quote and we will deliver them with the bridge.

Be sure to provide sketches with dimensions of the plan and elevation view so we know if it has any turns or slopes.

Tell us if there are any member size, or shape, requirements.

Tell us your preferred mounting method; direct imbed or base plates.

Pipes and conduits:

Pipe hung under bridge and partially disguised by bridge structure.

We can design your bridge to carry pipe of 6 foot diameter or more. Pipes are NOT to be added to bridges that are not designed for them.

Typically these items are installed before the bridge is set.

You should determine what rollers, hangers or other supports you will be using to mount the conduits and pipes, then coordinate this with Excel.

Conduit hangers:

Conduit along outside of bridge is common.

You may need to mount signage and artwork onto the bridge.

Angle iron clip for hanging pipe supports.

Excel will provide all attachment clips or extra members that are needed, i.e. anything that you need to mount items onto the bridge. DO NOT drill into bridge structural members.

Other typical accessories:

Cover plates may be attached at the factory or need to be installed in the field.

Light pole brackets typically are factory installed, but for wider bridges they may be bolted on in the field. All hardware provided for support but not for light pole.

Various types of custom gates or fencing may need coordination with Excel.


The bridge must be designed for a roof because the pedestrian load and the snow/ice load will be on the bridge at the same time.

You can build your own roof supports but you must ask Excel to supply the clips for you to attach your materials.

Or ask Excel to build the roof supports as part of the bridge, and you only have to put the sheathing on after delivery.

Please call for an accurate estimate (800) 548-0054 or use our web form for a quick budget price.

    Get a Free Quote

    Allow us to assist you! Complete the form below and provide us with a few particulars for a free & quick budget price. Let us know if you want a friendly representative to call you or simply call us. 800-548-0054

    Your Contact Info:

    First Name:

    Last Name:







    Postal Code:

    Bridge Details:

    Where will the bridge be delivered to?

    What is the length of the bridge (end to end)?

    What is the inside clear width? Example

    What is the bridge's primary use?

    PedestriansPedestrians and Light Vehicles (up to 10,000 lbs)Heavy Vehicles (Such as Emergency Vehicles)I'm not sure. I'd like to speak with a specialist.

    Type of Material

    Is the bridge for public or private (residential) use?


    Project Funding


    Name of Purchaser / Owner of the bridge?

    Other Details / Questions?

    How did you hear about us?

    Privacy Policy

    Note: Form will take approximately 5 seconds to send.

    GIVE US A CALL: 800-548-0054

    Please rest assured, if you find you are not receiving the personal touch you deserve, feel free to contact Craig Vasquez Owner / President for personal assistance. Reach Craig by calling our Main Office West Coast 800-548-0054 number and ask our receptionist to have Craig paged.

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    Excel Fabricators manufactures heavy steel plates, guards, mounts, and structures of varying shapes and sizes, all built to spec! With over 60 years experience in all the nuances of heavy steel manufacturing and thousands of satisfied customers to attest, Excel Fabricators desires your business opportunities.