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Mon - Sat 8:00 - 18:00


Abutment Designs by Excel Bridge


Excel Bridge only designs abutments for Excel bridges.

Small bridge abutments may be designed by assuming 1,500 psf soil conditions, but you may save significant money by getting a soil report. Larger bridges (i.e. greater than 1,000 square feet) require a report from a geotechnical company.


The same design will be used for both ends of the bridge.

Abutment design ordered at the same time and on the same drawings as the bridge or the cost will be higher.

Responsibility of others:

Provide all load conditions except dead load.

All materials and construction.

Providing soil test data.

Materials required:

Concrete shall develop 3k psi compressive strength in 28 days & shall contain 5% entrapped air.

Reinforcing bars shall conform to ASTM A615-Grade 60.


The following is typical only, and is only intended to help you roughly estimate your construction cost. This design is placed on undisturbed soil and uses #5 bar. Excel’s engineer will specify drilled-in anchors for your convenience when possible.

Plan view dimensions: Total length is usually 2′ to 4′ longer than the bridge deck width. The bearing shelf is typically 16″ to 18″ and
the stem wall is usually 8″ wide or more. Footer is usually same length as the wall and two or three times the wall width.
Elevation view dimensions: Footer usually 1″ high, wall is tall enough to reach below the frost line and to undisturbed bearing soil.

The drawings below are only examples and your abutment design may vary considerably:

Please call for an accurate estimate (800) 548-0054 or use our web form for a quick budget price.

    Get a Free Quote

    Allow us to assist you! Complete the form below and provide us with a few particulars for a free & quick budget price. Let us know if you want a friendly representative to call you or simply call us. 800-548-0054

    Your Contact Info:

    First Name:

    Last Name:







    Postal Code:

    Bridge Details:

    Where will the bridge be delivered to?

    What is the length of the bridge (end to end)?

    What is the inside clear width? Example

    What is the bridge's primary use?

    PedestriansPedestrians and Light Vehicles (up to 10,000 lbs)Heavy Vehicles (Such as Emergency Vehicles)I'm not sure. I'd like to speak with a specialist.

    Type of Material

    Is the bridge for public or private (residential) use?


    Project Funding


    Name of Purchaser / Owner of the bridge?

    Other Details / Questions?

    How did you hear about us?

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    Note: Form will take approximately 5 seconds to send.

    GIVE US A CALL: 800-548-0054

    Please rest assured, if you find you are not receiving the personal touch you deserve, feel free to contact Craig Vasquez Owner / President for personal assistance. Reach Craig by calling our Main Office West Coast 800-548-0054 number and ask our receptionist to have Craig paged.

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